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Video & You

Show your personality. After all, you are your own brand.

A woman stands in front of a recording camcorder

Video isn’t for everyone, but if you’re a loan originator, it’s likely for you. Like most American professionals, you probably spend the vast majority of your work day writing emails. Maybe you’re a modern-day Jane Austen or the next J.K. Rowling, infusing every email with entertaining prose and surprise endings, but that’s not why you went into sales. You shine in person. Don’t hide your interpersonal skills by QWERTY’ing away your day. If you want to simulate the in-person experience to market more effectively and deliver a better customer experience, video is your tool.

Using video to communicate is easier than you may think. It doesn’t require special equipment, a zany personality, or public speaking experience — just you and your smartphone, webcam, or whatever equipment you may have. You are your own best sales tool, and video puts you, the messenger, back into your message. 

What makes video communication so effective? Trust.  More so than any other medium, repeated exposure through authentic video content can garner your audience’s trust, as well as their affinity, comprehension of your message, and feeling of being truly understood.

Create Exposure 

When you can’t be with your clients in person, digital proximity is the next best way to show up and connect. So create a video. Then create more and more.

Frequent exposure makes you more approachable and even likeable, like a song that you were first ambivalent about but grew to love. Social psychologists call this the mere-exposure effect. The more familiar we become, the more our affinity grows. For years news anchors achieved this effect, creating rapport with their television audiences every evening on the six o’clock news. You’ll know you’ve achieved a similar tie to your audience when you meet someone from your online community and she says, “I feel as if I already know you.”  

How do you create exposure after you’ve made a video? You can always post to your website, blog, or YouTube channel. But since it’s easier to foster existing relationships than it is to chase down new leads, prioritize distribution directly to your community and database via social media or email. To make an even more personalized connection, you can distribute one-to-one videos through email or text. Look into personalized video services such as VidYard or BombBomb to streamline the process.

Give Yourself

Although one of the goals of video marketing is to create exposure for yourself, you’re also giving yourself — your time, presence, personality, emotions, and vulnerability — in order to educate and connect with your viewers. 

Unlike the written word, which has been around for a relatively short time in human history, nonverbal communication has evolutionary depth. It’s less laborious and subject to personal interpretation. Our tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language, along with our focused attention and presence, deliver nuance and emotional tone. When people can see your expressions and hear your voice, your message becomes better understood.

But how do you unmask and tap into your genuine self?

Show your personality. After all, you are your own brand. Remind people of your personal values and your value to them by communicating with your whole self. Injecting your energy and other intangibles that are often hidden in black and white text will knock down barriers and reveal the person behind your services.

Show your feelings. Video delivers the more impactful emotions such as empathy and gratitude that are harder to communicate. Go unscripted. An outline can be helpful, but speak from the heart and acknowledge your audience’s desires, pains, and successes. Any time you receive feedback, try to peel back the onion until you discover the underlying why. Let’s say your clients tell you they are unbelievably excited to move into their new home. Find out why. So that our growing family has enough room and our kids can play outside and attend good schools. Why?  Our kids will have a better life, one we didn’t have.  Why? So that they can be the best that they can be, and our strong desires to be good parents are met. Now you have a better understanding and empathetic messaging that can reach others in your community.

Be vulnerable. It’s nerve-racking to know people are giving you their time. You want to excel for them, and the fear of rejection is real. Letting yourself be seen and your voice be heard is hard. But as Brené Brown says, mindful presenters need the courage to be imperfect and the willingness to let go of who they think they should be. And it’s not all one-sided. Opening up and letting your guard down draws you closer to your audience and makes them more likely to engage in two-way communication.

Relevant Video Ideas 

Repeat exposure and authenticity will take you far, but not if your audience stops watching. Think about what content is relevant and engaging. Ask your community. Then use video exposure as the start of a conversation that always leaves your audience better off. Constantly ask yourself: What’s in it for them?

With the above framework in mind, here are some video examples to get you started:

  • Touch points: Create a list of every lead and client touch point and decide if a video explanation would be more effective than a text email.
  • Upgraded Q&A: List the three to seven most common questions you receive. Then really answer those questions in a video. Imagine you’re a teacher whose purpose is exclusively to educate your community. 
  • Event invitations and announcements: Build excitement and let your audience know how your news can help them.
  • Process explainers: Use screen and webcam recorder software, such as Vimeo Record or Snagit, to walk your clients through applications or online forms.
  • Asking for reviews: This is particularly powerful with a personal, one-to-one video request. 
  • Saying thank you: Express your gratitude fully.
  • Delivering bad news: Empathy or an apology is much easier to convey when people can see your face and hear your voice. 
  • Holiday greetings: Deliver a fun alternative to the traditional greeting card and ask your community to share their holiday plans.

You and your videos don’t have to be perfect. Remember, people aren’t hanging on to every word, but they know and remember how you make them feel. So be your genuine, authentic self and hit the record button.

This article was originally published in the Mortgage Women Magazine August 2021 issue.
About the author
Lauren Richards Rosenfarb is director of marketing at Delmar Mortgage.
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