Zeus Mortgage CEO Kaufman Honored by Houston Astros

Zeus Mortgage has announced the company’s Chief Executive Officer Steven Kaufman has been selected as the Houston Astros’ August Hometown Hero. Each month, the Astros In Action Foundation honors an area citizen with the title of Hometown Hero to pay recognition to those who have gone above and beyond for the local community. Due to the aftermath of Hurricane Ike in 2008, Zeus Mortgage’s Steven Kaufman created “The Fanatical Change Foundation” to restore the intimacy and transparency in charitable giving. As the foundation functions with zero overheard, every dollar donated goes directly to a family that suffered a tragedy in less than 24 hours. The foundation finds families in need and holds a fundraising event on Thursday to collect donations. On Friday, 100 percent of the money is delivered to the families in the form of goods and services.
“Although people donate money to various organizations, many don’t see the real impact made because the funds are spread so thin,” said Steven Kaufman, president of Zeus Mortgage. “We want to provide a way for Houstonians to donate money, know who will be receiving the funds, and see the family receiving the funds immediately following the donation.”
To date, “The Fanatical Change Foundation” has raised nearly $400,000 in donations and given it all away in less than 24 hours to Houston families. In April of 2009, Mayor Bill White proclaimed the month of April as “Fanatical Change Month” in the city of Houston.
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