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Freddie Mac releases Spanish language foreclosure scam video

Mar 24, 2014

Freddie Mac releases Spanish language foreclosure scam videoMortgagePress.comYouTube, delinquent borrowers, foreclosure fraud

Freddie Mac has re-edited the video it posted to YouTube for Spanish-speaking homeowners in an effort to warn more delinquent borrowers about a widespread form of foreclosure fraud. The new Spanish language version of Freddie Mac's anti-fraud video can be found at

The video demonstrates how con artists can get copies of foreclosure notices, persuade distressed borrowers to give up deed, use the deeds to secure new loans for themselves and let the new loans go into foreclosure.

Based in McLean, Va., Freddie Mac is a government-sponsored enterprise that purchases mortgages and related securities. For more information, call (703) 903-2000 or visit">.

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Mar 24, 2014