DLS Servicing Launches New FHA Servicing Product
DLS Servicing Consultants LLC has announced a new boutique FHA servicing programs aimed at new FHA servicers. “We’ve been approached by numerous small banks and mortgage companies that either have just obtained their FHA servicing ability, or have traditionally sold off their FHA loans and are now retaining servicing,” said Michael Meroney, director of business development and consulting for DLS. DLS is owned and staffed by industry veterans who have specialized in all aspects of FHA servicing. It also created and owns WaterfallCalc.com, provider of FHA loss mitigation decisioning software.
“Mortgage servicing has become increasingly more complicated over the last five years," said Donna Schmidt, owner and founder of DLS and WaterfallCalc.com. "Expert guidance will help new FHA servicers reduce the risk of costly mistakes, such as interest curtailments, indemnifications or treble damages."
DLS offers consulting and outsourcing services aimed at small banks and servicers that are new to the FHA servicing game. Assuring that SOP’s are up to date with current FHA and CFPB requirements, training staff and management, providing preliminary audits, and assisting with responding to post-HUD audits. DLS will also provide due diligence and sample loan reviews for clients that may be acquiring FHA portfolios.
“We are uniquely positioned to assist FHA servicers with due diligence because of our WaterfallCalc.com product,” said Meroney. “We can quickly determine whether transferred loans in default have been handled correctly from a loss mitigation standpoint, which has been a recent focus of the CFPB.”
DLS can assist with proactive quality analysis of the loss mitigation documentation and calculations, pre-foreclosure sale documentation and acceptable net proceeds and HUD-1 configurations, first legal deadline tracking and warning reports, foreclosure claim processing and a host of other processes. DLS plans to offer these services at a large discount compared to its competitors, who are often too costly for the small servicer.
“I have a real affinity for the small servicer," said Schmidt. “I’ve been there. Our business model is to offer comprehensive, personalized and customizable consulting services with the budget of the small servicer in mind.”