OriginatorTech Deep Dive: Guideline Buddy

REC. Mar 05, 2024


About Guideline Buddy

Discover the quickest and simplest method to search mortgage guidelines! Experience the remarkable speed of Buddy, our AI-powered chatbot. In just seconds, he'll provide you with the information you need for your loan scenario. Just ask Buddy your guideline question, and he'll effortlessly locate the exact guideline, presenting you with a clear and concise answer in plain language.

What’s the problem that Guideline Buddy solution solves?

Mortgage professionals have battled with the complexity of searching and interpreting investor and lender guidelines for far too long. This not only hampers the process of assisting borrowers but also leads to errors and missed opportunities. It's high time we break this cycle and unleash a wave of positive change!

How Guideline Buddy solves the problem

Our mission is to transform the way mortgage professionals engage with guidelines. Meet Guideline Buddy, an incredibly advanced AI chatbot with extensive training on various investor and lender guidelines. Say goodbye to tedious PDF searches—Guideline Buddy makes finding the right guideline for any loan scenario a breeze! Buddy simplifies it and directs you straight to the guideline you need, saving you invaluable time.

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