Fannie Mae Exceeds All Lending Goals for 2000
Fair, Isaac Offers Lenders and Brokers Clear Explanations of FICO Scores MortgagePress.comFair, Isaac and Company Inc, FICO, credit score,
Fair, Isaac and Company Inc. has made public clear,
comprehensive explanations of FICO credit bureau risk scores. The
Web-based FICO Guide service delivers to lenders and brokers a
personalized explanation of the factors considered in a given
consumer's FICO score, and suggestions on how to improve the score
over time.
The FICO Guide service became available in September to
subscribing mortgage lenders and brokers for beta testing. The
Web-based service requires the user to enter, on behalf of a
consumer, the consumer's credit score and the reason codes
associated with that score. The FICO Guide service returns an
analysis, general information about a lender's typical view of that
score, a graphical description of that score's ranking within a
national distribution, and information on how the consumer can
impact his or her credit rating over time.
For more information, visit
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