Technology in the Non-Conforming Market
NAMB and IMX Exchange Form AllianceMortgagePress.comIMX Exchange, NAMB, National Association of Mortgage Brokers, Best Business PracticesThe National Association of Mortgage Brokers (NAMB) and IMX Exchange announced a
partnership to further NAMB's Best Business Practices initiatives. IMX Exchange will
require all of its 6,000 Mortgage Brokers and new members to agree to adhere to the
NAMB's Code of Ethics and Best Business Practices guidelines. Broker applicants who are
not already active members in good standing with NAMB will be required to sign the
statement and guidelines as a part of their IMX Exchange membership application.
"We appreciate IMX Exchange's commitment to work with NAMB towards our mutual
objectives of reinforcing the highest standards of professional practice, and finding
innovative new ways to better serve today's Mortgage Broker," said Nagy Henein, NAMB
Best Business Practices Committee Chair and President of The Greater Mortgage
Corporation in New City, New York.
Both the NAMB and IMX Exchange plan to incorporate features into their Web sites and
other processes that highlight their mutual commitment to promoting industry
professionalism and Best Business Practices.
"We have made a firm commitment to the industry and to professional Mortgage Brokers by
recognizing and enforcing NAMB's high standards," stated Richard Wilkes, President/CEO
of IMX Exchange. "By raising the bar for broker professionals, IMX Exchange will reinforce
its ability to serve the needs of the American home buyer in the highest quality manner."
NAMB President Michael Hindman noted, "IMX Exchange's acknowledgment of the value
of NAMB membership and its Best Business Practices is especially meaningful, given the
critical roles that quality and integrity play in the IMX Exchange system. We feel this is a
true win-win proposition: a simple yet compelling step that encourages both market
efficiencies and higher quality."
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