Gramm stresses need to define "predatory lending": Report reinforces NAMB positions on key issues
Jack Kemp at western regional mortgage brokers conferencemortgagepress.comJack Kemp, 1999 Western Regional Mortgage Brokers Conference, guest speaker
Speaking at the Western Regional Mortgage Brokers Conference
will be former U.S. Republican 1996 Vice Presidential nominee Jack
Kemp. Mr. Kemp currently serves as the National Chair of the More
Than Houses: Rebuilding Our Communities Campaign for Habitat for
Humanity International. He is also Co-Chair of Empower America, a
public policy and advocacy organization.
Mr. Kemp's impressive resume also includes: four years as HUD
Secretary, former Chairman of the National Commission on National
Growth and Tax Reform, Chairman of the House Republican Conference,
Representative for the Western New York area for 18 years in the
U.S. House of Representatives, and 13 years in the National
Football League as quarterback with both the San Diego Chargers and
Buffalo Bills.
Don't forget to stop by the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino on
Monday, November 8 at 10:45 a.m. to hear and see the man, the
politician, the quarterback, the speaker ... Jack Kemp.
About the author