National industry appointments update - 05/22/2006
Fidelity National releases Paragon v. 3.7MortgagePress.comMultiple listing services, Fidelity National Real Estate Solutions
Fidelity National Real Estate Solutions' MLS Systems and
Solutions Group has announced the release of version 3.7 of its
Paragon MLS system, a Web-based multiple listing service platform
for real estate practitioners.
Paragon v. 3.7 offers several new modules and integrations, such
as print-on-demand services, mortgage rate comparison data,
CAN-SPAM Act compliance, enhanced mapping capabilities, speech
recognition technology and public record and property tax data
Fidelity National Real Estate Solutions is a division of
Fidelity National Information Services Inc., a Jacksonville,
Fla.-based provider of core processing for financial institutions,
card issuer and transaction processing services, mortgage-loan
processing and mortgage-related information products and
outsourcing services. For more information, call (888) 934-3354 or
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