Benchmark sponsors NASCAR racer
NAMB West postponed until fall '07MortgagePress.comNAMB West conference
The Board of the Western Regional Mortgage Lenders Conference
has voted to terminate its annual Las Vegas meeting after this
coming November's final installment of the Western Regional
Mortgage Brokers Conference. The group, which includes leaders from
14 National Association of Mortgage Brokers state affiliates, voted
16-4 to dissolve the Western Regional Conference after 2006 and
participate in NAMB West in 2007. NAMB had originally planned the
launch of NAMB West for this coming October at the MGM Grand in Las
Vegas, but has postponed the event until the fall of 2007.
"We understand it has been difficult for NAMB's state affiliates
to change their 2006 meeting plans so quickly," said NAMB President
Jim Nabors II, CRMS. "The NAMB Board wanted to help its state
affiliates and others honor long-standing relationships and
commitments, without having to choose between NAMB and the Western
Regional Conference. We wish everyone a good meeting in 2006, and
we're looking forward to hosting a great event in 2007!"
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