New York Governor Paterson to address mortgage crisis
NAMB announces bylaws changesMortgagePress.comNAMB, bylaws, NAMB Annual Convention, Lending Integrity Seal of Approval
Six changes to the National Association of Mortgage Brokers
Bylaws were ratified at the Membership Meeting at the 2008 NAMB
Annual Convention on Sunday, June 22, 2008.
The changes were:
• The addition of Commercial Broker to the definitions
(Article I, Section 3);
• The addition of loan originator to the definitions (Article
I, Section 3);
• The addition of Commercial Broker to the membership
classifications (Article III, Sections 3);
• The addition of loan originator to the membership
classifications and the clarification of the associate membership
category (Article III, Sections 4 & 5);
• The addition of qualifying for the Lending Integrity Seal
of Approval as a membership requirement (Article III, Section 10);
• The addition of Commercial Broker and loan originator to
the list of dues-paying member classes (Article V, Section 1).
For a copy of the ratified NAMB Bylaws, click
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