Freddie Mac PMMS: One-year ARM ticks up as all other rates fall
MBA's Courson comments on Treasury plan to purchase mortgage assetsMortgagePress.comMBA, John Courson, Mortgage Bankers Association, Treasury
John A. Courson, Chief Operating Officer of the Mortgage Bankers
Association (MBA) has issued the following statement in response to
proposed legislative language allowing the Treasury to purchase
distressed mortgage assets.
"We applaud the Administration and bipartisan Congressional
leadership for quickly coming up with a plan to set up this
facility within the Treasury Department. While we only have the
outline of a program, with many details sure to be debated and
filled in in the coming days, this is a good start--a program
created within the current government infrastructure than can be
implemented quickly. We look forward to continuing to work with
Treasury and Congress to answer the outstanding questions,
including how to help financial institutions and troubled
homeowners without doing further harm to the mortgage market."
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