Mortgage servicers using income verification in loan modifications see reduced foreclosure rates
RealtyTrac and Caspio release free foreclosure widgetMortgagePress.comRealtyTrac, Caspio, Web application, foreclosures, Ari Monkarsh, David A. Milliron
RealtyTrac, an online marketplace for foreclosure properties,
and Caspio Inc., a provider of Web-based point-and-click platform
for creating Web applications, has announced the launch of a new
foreclosure Web application that features historical foreclosure
activity data by state or by county and a real-time nationwide
search of properties in foreclosure. The Web application is
available to Caspio online media clients in an elegant search
widget that allows end-users to view historical foreclosure
statistics for a state or county in a specific month or in all
months in a given year going back to 2005. Each months statistics
will include the total number of properties that received
foreclosure filings during the month, broken down by type of
foreclosure filing, along with the foreclosure rate and comparison
to the previous month and a year ago. Users can also enter any ZIP
code nationwide to instantly view active foreclosure properties in
that ZIP code from RealtyTracs database of default, auction and
bank-owned real estate.
"Thanks to Caspio's extensive network of clients, particularly
in the online news media arena, this new Web application will
significantly and instantly broaden the footprint of our
foreclosure trend data," said Ari Monkarsh, vice president of
business development at RealtyTrac. "Especially in this market, we
believe more and more real estate consumers realize the importance
of the previously hidden foreclosure market and are interested in
historical foreclosure trends as well as active foreclosure
properties in their community."
With real estate in a downturn in most markets nationwide, the
foreclosure marketplace is one of the few growing areas in real
estate. More than 2.3 million properties received at least one
foreclosure notice in 2008, up 81 percent from 2007, according to
the RealtyTrac U.S. Foreclosure Market Report, and foreclosure
activity is expected to increase into 2009.
Available now for instant deployment, the foreclosure widget is
free to Caspio's hundreds of media clients, most of which already
utilize Caspio's data syndication services for U.S. Census Bureau
data and FBI crime reports. Caspio's plug-and-play applications and
data syndication widgets provide the easiest and most affordable
way for online news media to add hyper-local capabilities to their
Website, while offering highly relevant information to local and
regional audiences.
"Data syndication is a powerful capability of Caspio's on-demand
Web application platform," said David A. Milliron, vice president
of media services at Caspio. "This partnership enables RealtyTrac
to leverage Caspio's large base of online media customers and data
syndication channels to distribute its foreclosure data to millions
of people."
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