The Appraisal Foundation Launches eLibrary of Training Videos

The Appraisal Foundation, a Congressionally authorized non-profit organization dedicated to professional valuation, has announced the establishment of its online eLibrary of informational videos and training sessions. According to The Appraisal Foundation, visitors to the eLibrary are able to view a video and any accompanying PowerPoint presentations or other reference documents simultaneously. In addition, the host Web site offers a mechanism for submitting questions via e-mail directly from the site.
Two productions for the eLibrary are now available for viewing.
The first is a USPAP update for state regulators that was filmed at the Spring Conference of the Association of Appraiser Regulatory Officials (AARO). The one-hour program, led by appraisal standards board member Barry Shea, includes a question and answer period as well as a viewable copy of his accompanying PowerPoint slide show.
The second is a four-hour video of a mock administrative law hearing that was recorded on Oct. 2, 2010 at the Fall AARO Conference. This production is broken into five sections and includes all the handouts that were provided to the audience. In addition, the production includes the Judge’s independent decision and the full question and answer period.
Over time, the Foundation intends to add other sessions that will address topics such as the mission of the foundation, the real property appraiser regulatory system, USPAP, and the real property qualification criteria.
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