ISGN Brings New LOS to Smart Phones and Into the Clouds

ISGN Inc. has announced the launch of its new Catapult Mortgage Origination System—the company’s browser-based loan origination technology that can be accessed not only via desktop and laptop computers, but also via smart phones and tablet devices. The Catapult Mortgage Origination System is ISGN’s next-generation loan origination technology, with a platform that has mobile device functionality, available as either a cloud-based technology or as a licensed solution that is installed at a lender’s site. Both options demonstrably lower a lender’s operational costs to use the system.
Catapult features an integrated product and pricing engine, workflow and imaging functionality, comprehensive point-of-sale tools and relevant system reporting capabilities.
“New regulations and protocols have restricted the way mortgages are transacted and serviced, and lenders need to know there are technologies to help them stay efficient and compliant,” said Ankush Dham, director of technology products and services at ISGN Inc. “We’re committed to helping our clients be as successful as they can be. One of the most important tools for success is product knowledge, which is why we created the Synergy Client Conference. We’ve had overwhelmingly positive feedback from our clients and great attendance for past events. With lenders as concerned as they are about compliance and efficiency, we anticipate a strong turnout this year as well.”
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