New Mortech Site Launched to Qualify Leads
Mortech Inc., a mortgage technology software company specializing in solutions for mortgage bankers and secondary market teams, has announced a new Web site specifically dedicated to the new Marksman Lending Management Platform (LMP). MarksmanLMP qualifies leads prior to entering the LOS by simplifying, automating and organizing the entire mortgage lending process, from lead acquisition to assessment and marketing to processing. Online window shoppers are converted into customers quickly and easily, freeing up the LOS from the clutter of deals that will never close in the process.
“The lead management objective is to create a true relationship with prospects, start the application, and move forward with confidence knowing the transaction will be completed successfully,” said Mortech President Don Kracl. “The traditional loan origination system (LOS) is still a critical tool in this process, however employing MarksmanLMP ensures it won’t fall short on all of the tasks that precede taking the actual loan application. The loan officer’s true opportunity lies in forging that relationship with the prospective borrower long before the application hits the LOS.”
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