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MAMP Honors Mortgage Professionals With Awards

May 04, 2012

The Maryland Association of Mortgage Professionals (MAMP) recognized several professionals as part of its annual Installation and Awards Dinner, held March 14 at 4 East Madison Inn in Baltimore. In recognition of her excellent leadership and volunteer contributions to the association, Deborah Dennis, business development and marketing manager of Corridor Mortgage Group, received the 2012 Professional of the Year Award. Dennis has worked tirelessly on social media efforts by spreading the word of MAMP through social networking. The 2012 President’s Award was given to Christine Wagner, account executive with SunTrust Mortgage. Wagner was awarded for her longtime service and dedication to mortgage professionals in Maryland, her continued service as the association Treasurer, and her help with planning many MAMP events. Receiving the Board Award was Ken Venick, CMC, vice president of Equity Mortgage Lending. He was awarded for his longtime service and dedication to the MAMP board.   MAMP Past President Brooks Bosley of Interbank Mortgage Company received the Governor’s Citation from incoming MAMP President Charles Reid III of Florida Capital Bank Mortgage   Brice Halbrook of Townsend & Halbrook Mortgage Corporation and Brian Goodwin of Washingtonian Mortgage   MAMP Past President Brooks Bosley presents the 2012 President’s Award to Christine Wagner of SunTrust Mortgage   Susan Clements and Maggi Reid   MAMP Past President Brooks Bosley of Interbank Mortgage Company and Ernest Grue of the Maryland Mortgage Bankers Association   Walter Alton of Carrington Mortgage Services LLC, MAMP President-Elect Jim Clements of 1st Financial Inc., and MAMP Legislative Liaison Clay Opara   Karen Charron; Art Charron, CPA of Financial Security Consultants Inc.; and MAMP President Charles Reid III   Bobbie Brown of Franklin American Mortgage and Hans Lundgren of The National Mortgage Store  
About the author
May 04, 2012