Survey Respondents Relay Concerns Over Current Mortgage Relief Programs
Money Management International (MMI) has conducted a national housing survey to learn how homeowners would act if they were struggling with mortgage payments. Survey respondents said they would first seek help from family or friends (50 percent) followed by their lender (26 percent), then from housing counseling or mortgage relief program (13 percent). When asked about concerns regarding available resources and options for mortgage assistance, survey respondents stated they were concerned about scams/fraudulent services (53 percent), that the services would cost them money that they couldn’t afford to pay (51 percent), and that the process was confusing or they would choose a solution they did not fully understand (45 percent).
The survey was completed April 20-23 by 1,019 persons nationwide.
“Homeowners face real concerns when considering who to turn to for help with mortgage troubles,” said Jo Kerstetter, vice president of education and community relations for Money Management International (MMI). “For the millions of homeowners who still face possible foreclosure, it is important to remember that quality help is available for free from HUD-certified housing counselors nationwide.”
Additional findings from the MMI’s national study:
►25 percent reported they or someone they know needed assistance making mortgage payments during the last four years.
►57 percent would seek help only after a job loss, 35 percent if they knew they would miss at least one mortgage payment, and 27 percent if they had missed one mortgage payment
►63 percent of respondents who sought help did so when they were one to three months behind on their mortgage payments. 22 percent were four to six months behind, and four percent were seven or more months behind before they sought help.
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