Former HUD Inspector General Kenneth Donohue Joins SSI
Secure Settlements Inc. (SSI) has announced that the Honorable Kenneth Donohue, former Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Inspector General under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, has joined its Industry Leader Advisory Board. Donohue joins other notable industry leaders, including former Federal Housing Finance Agency Director Armando Falcon, past Mortage Bankers Association President Regina Lowrie, former State Insurance Commissioner Peter Stevens and past State Banking Commissioner Robert Levy, among others, in offering strategic advice and counsel in the continued development of SSI’s closing table data intelligence, risk evaluation, monitoring and reporting business.
In addition to his service as HUD IG, Donohue previously had a distinguished 21-year career with the U.S. Secret Service as a special agent, culminating with an assignment to the assistant director's CIA Counter-Terrorism Center, and later was appointed as assistant director, Office of Investigations, within the Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC). His staff was successful in uncovering fraud and abuse among directors and officers of failed savings and loan institutions. After the RTC, Donohue served in the FDIC Office of Legal Counsel's Criminal Fraud Unit. He has also served as a member of the President's Corporate Fraud Task Force, as well as the Troubled Asset Relief Program Inspector General Council (TARP-IGC) . He currently serves as director and senior advisor of CohnReznick LLP Advisory Group - Government Services.
Donohue stated, “SSI has demonstrated remarkable leadership in the promotion of greater risk management and consumer protections surrounding residential closings. Its fraud products, developed over many years with risk analysts at Lloyd’s of London, are admirable and help to increase consumer and investor confidence. Having investigated and prosecuted mortgage fraud for decades, I am impressed with what they have built and look forward to assisting them as they continue to grow their closing fraud deterrence and detection business.”
Andrew Liput, CEO of Secure Settlements said, “We are honored and privileged to have the support and guidance of one of the most respected mortgage industry leaders in the nation. Donohue’s resume of public service speaks for itself. His decades-long reputation as a fraud fighter and advocate of better risk management and consumer protections is well known, and we’re glad to have his expertise on behalf of our company.”
Fellow board member Regina Lowrie added, “Ken and I had the pleasure of working together when he was at HUD and I was MBA chairman. He is a man of impeccable character and reputation who knows our industry and the challenges it faces from fraud and criminal activity. I am delighted that he is joining the board so we can work together again to help SSI bring better risk management solutions to the mortgage closing process.”
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