PRMI Honored by Salt Lake Tribune as “Top Workplace”

Primary Residential Mortgage Inc. (PRMI), which funded more than $5.4 billion in home loans in 2017, has been awarded a 2018 Top Workplaces honor for the third year in a row by The Salt Lake Tribune. The list is based solely on employee feedback gathered through a third-party survey administered by Energage LLC. The anonymous evaluation measures several aspects of workplace culture, including alignment, execution and connection.

“Top Workplaces is more than just recognition,” said Energage Chief Executive Officer Doug Claffey. “Our research shows organizations that earn the award attract better talent, experience lower turnover and are better equipped to deliver bottom-line results. Their leaders prioritize and carefully craft a healthy workplace culture that supports employee engagement.”
PRMI CEO Dave Zitting said, “Over the past 20 years, we’ve built a company based around the core belief that our employees are our most valuable asset. We know that our success is purely a result of having the most talented and dedicated folks in the business, which is why we work hard to ensure they know how much we appreciate all they do to make PRMI a top workplace.”
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