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ATTN: Facebookers, Tweeps, and LinkedIn peeps!

May 26, 2010

Do you "Tweet?" Are you "Facebooking" as you read this message? If so, you are just the person we are looking for to contribute to our next Special Focus in the June 2010 of National Mortgage Professional Mortgage Magazine as we look at "Social Networking." This is your opportunity to share with our readership, your knowledge and experience with the new wave of social networking that is changing the way the world communicates, and in some circles, garners business. We are seeking bylined articles on social networking and social media and how it is benefiting your business. Here is your chance to write about all aspects of this subject, including the "do's and don't's of social networking," generating business through the use of social networking, the use of keywords and sales pitches in your posts, drawing the social networking line between the business and personal world, and much more. Any and all info related to this topic will be reviewed. Social media not your area of expertise? Perhaps you could spread the word and forward this message on to a colleague who may assist and become part of our June 2010 Special Focus. Our guidelines are as follows: · Article should be approximately 1,200-1,500 words in length. · Bio with contact info and color headshot of author should be sent with article. · Article should not be too self-serving toward a particular company or product. · Article should be in our office by the close of business, Wednesday, June 2, 2010. Email your articles to [email protected]
About the author
May 26, 2010