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The most powerful presentation heard at an industry event: Todd Duncan’s Opening at Mortgage Revolution

May 21, 2010

  Mortgage Revolution San Francisco started off with a bang with the entire audience giving one of the most heartfelt standing ovation for Mortgage Revolution's keynote speaker, Todd Duncan. Todd has been in front of 100s of thousands of mortgage professionals sharing successful sales strategies, however everyone in the room agrees that this was his most brilliant and moving speech of his accomplished career. It was an honor to experiance this and a genuie gift from the Mortgage Revolution organizers to make this presentation available FREE so those who weren't their can experience this monumental life-changing soliloquy. Once you view the video, I only ask that you consider honoring Sheryl Duncan by donating generously to her foundation at Please pass this message around to your friends and family who's lives you wish to impact.       
About the author
May 21, 2010