Mortgage Banker Magazine
Mortgage Banker magazine is where mortgage company leaders turn for strategies and insight that fuel their financial decisions
VA Loans Need To Be Clearer
VA loans are a growing segment but there are misconceptions by both consumers and brokers alike that need to be overcome. Mortgage Banker also explores unconventional ways to score a raise, trends in bonuses, fully-mobile mortgages and so much more!
Growing segment benefits both vets and brokers.
Originators and lenders need to pay heed to possible impacts.
A new and fresh approach to improving your personal bottom line.
Developer of Bee app claims an entirely contactless process coming soon
Innovation is needed in these areas and the opportunity is significant.
Lenders still need and want high-producing, purchased-focused loan officers.
In addition to increased rulemaking and outreach, there has also been an enforcement uptick.
Mortgage Banker magazine is where mortgage company leaders turn for strategies and insight that fuel their financial decisions.