The NMP Weekly edition combines a magazine's charm with immersive digital storytelling through interactive charts, audio, video, and vivid photography.

March 2022

Taking A Stab At The C-Suite

In this issue: Does the mortgage industry have a ‘Mean Girls’ problem of women who won’t help other women succeed?; We look at rural lending programs and how they are underutilized and not as limited as some might believe; and rates are moving up (and moving down, and moving up again). Originators need to be on top of the facts, and the opportunities, to keep volume strong.

Does the Mortgage Industry Have a Mean Girl Problem?
Cover Story
Does The Mortgage Industry Have A Mean Girl Problem?

Why women need to help other women.

Erica LaCentra
What’s In Your Origination Toolkit?
What’s In Your Origination Toolkit?

Make sure you’ve got expertise in more than standard plain-vanilla mortgages.

Mary Kay Scully
Respect Different Perspectives
Respect Different Perspectives

Keeping an open mind will also lead to keeping more clients.

Harvey Mackay
The Story Of Your Success
Subscribe to the nation’s most important mortgage magazines.
Top 10 Bookkeeping Mistakes By Mortgage Brokers
Top 10 Bookkeeping Mistakes By Mortgage Brokers

Dollar for dollar, getting a handle on these is critical.

Rural Lending Covers A Lot Of Ground
Rural Lending Covers A Lot Of Ground

Time to look at a different kind of farming system for originators.

Lew Sichelman
Things Your Loan Officers  Should Do With Rates Rising
Things Your Loan Officers Should Do With Rates Rising

It’s all about sphere of influence now.

Dave Hershman
NMP Magazine

NMP Magazine is the source for top originators, providing industry leadership, resources for professional development, and more.