Allied Home Mortgage Capital Corporation opens new Corpus Christi office
Loan Score relocates HQ to larger facilityMortgagePress.comLoan Score Decisioning Systems, Irvine CA, AUS
Loan-Score Decisioning Systems announced that it has relocated
its corporate headquarters to a larger facility, located at 5500
Trabuco Road, Suite 150 in Irvine, Calif. The move provides Loan
Score with the necessary infrastructure to swiftly expand
operations when marketplace liquidity returns.
The new building triples the space of Loan-Score's old location
and is able to house double the number of employees. Loan Score s
new facility is also equipped to accommodate onsite prospect visits
to its Solution Proving Lab and client training needs.
"Loan-Score is strategically positioning itself to be at the
forefront of an anticipated demand for sophisticated automated
underwriting solutions when the industry stabilizes," said William
McCord, chairman and CEO of Loan-Score. "The mortgage industry is
primed to take advantage of our software-as-as-service (SaaS) AU
paradigm, which offers an enterprise-class technology platform at a
much lower total cost of system ownership than that of older
systems. Simply put, this move puts in place a scalable
infrastructure that allows for future growth." For more
information, visit
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