DocuTech adds 21 customers in past three months
DocuTech Corporation (DocuTech), a leader in compliance services for mortgage documents, has added 21 customers to its roster of mortgage lenders during the past three months. This marks the sixth straight quarter that DocuTech has added at least 20 new lenders to its customer base. Despite the reduced lending volumes, DocuTech continues to gain lenders seeking compliance services for mortgage documents. The lenders are choosing DocuTech because of the cost savings that come with guaranteed compliance, as well as the time savings associated with automated document and disclosures processes that integrate seamlessly with the leading operation systems.
“DocuTech is committed to providing products that assist lenders with tighter margins and lower volume without having to forfeit quality,” said Ty Jenkins, CEO of DocuTech. “Lenders can be assured that ConformX provides the most accurate mortgage compliance updates in the industry.“
DocuTech’s flagship product, ConformX, is a Web-based solution that transforms an Internet connection into a 24-hour loan origination or closing office. ConformX works behind the loan origination software (LOS) to create documents with minimal screens, automatic data and doc verification. ConformX also securely delivers print, e-mail and Web-posting options from any Internet location around the world.
DocuTech’s fulfillment center generates, prints and mails state, federal and investor compliant initial disclosures to prospective borrowers within government-mandated timelines. High Cost loan (HCL) and Predatory Lending Check (PLC) were created specifically for lenders. HCL and PLC serve as an advocate to lenders by comparing loan-level data to applicable laws, regulations and investor requirements in real-time.
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