Iwayloan expands to Pennsylvania and names Linda Bullington manager

Iwayloan LP has announced that it has opened its first retail loan origination branch office in Pennsylvania. The company recently announced plans for expansion through the establishment of retail branch offices. “This is the first step of Iwayloan’s growth into selected markets” said Managing Director Larry Lobb. “We are particularly pleased to have Linda Bullington join us as Pennsylvania state manager. Linda brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the position, and she is exactly the type of person we want as part of our team.”
Bullington has been in the mortgage origination business for 15 years. In 2009, she received the USDA Top Producer Award for the Rural Development Program in Pennsylvania, and in each of the years 2005 to 2008, she received the USDA Outstanding Performance Award in Pennsylvania. In 2006, she was selected as one of the BEST 50 Women in Business in Pennsylvania, and in 2006 and 2008, she was named in the Top 100 People in Business in Pennsylvania. Bullington serves on the Bedford County Development Authority Board of Directors and also as a director and sponsor of the Bedford County Fall Foliage Queen Scholarship Program.
“I am so excited to be with Iwayloan,” Bullington said. “The commitment of the company to its customers and employees, their policies and procedures, technology, and company strength really impressed me. Iwayloan is the future of mortgage banking.”
As Pennsylvania state manager, Bullington will have responsibility over Iwayloan branch offices located in or licensed to do business in the state. She will also work closely with the corporate office to further develop and refine branch operations and procedures to produce greater efficiencies.
“We intend to use Linda’s expertise to help make Iwayloan the best it can be for our customers and branch offices,” said Jonathan Fowler, director of national production at Iwayloan.
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