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RedVision announces westward expansion

Jul 27, 2010

RedVision, a provider of real property research solutions, has announced their expansion to the state of Utah. Covering more than 85 percent of the state's population, RedVision will be fully operational in the counties of Davis, Salt Lake, Summit, Tooele, Utah, Weber, Wasatch, and Washington. RedVision has structured their Utah operations after the model it has successfully implemented in nine other states. The hiring of Utah State Manager Jim Johnson is a testament to RedVision's core belief of teaming experts with technology.  Johnson is a 25-year real estate and title insurance professional. Most recently, Jim worked as vice president, Utah operations for LandAmerica Financial Group Inc. where he was instrumental in launching the company's successful Agency Service Center. Johnson also worked as Utah state agency manager and was directly responsible for coordinating underwriter and agency relations for Lawyer's Title and Commonwealth Title throughout the state of Utah. Jim is a graduate of the University of Utah, David Eccles School of Business with a BA in Accounting. "The growth path RedVision is on for 2010 is both exhilarating and complex, our success is attributed to the commitment of our operations and national expansion teams," said Brian Twibell, chief executive officer of RedVision. "The addition of Utah to our coverage and the experience and skills Jim Johnson brings to our management team will once more increase the benefits and opportunities we provide our clients." For more information, visit  
About the author
Jul 27, 2010