National Professional Mortgage Loan Originator Week set for week of Sept. 7th

Mortgage Success Source (MSS) LLC, an information resource for today’s mortgage professionals, has announced the week of Sept. 7-10 as the first annual National Professional Mortgage Loan Originator Week, a week-long tribute to mortgage professionals who make a real difference in the lives of their clients through excellence, professionalism and knowledge. As a proud sponsor of this honorary week, Mortgage Success Source acknowledges the skill and dedication of mortgage loan originators (MLOs) around the country who have raised the bar on industry standards of practice and professionalism to ensure consumer trust.
“This celebratory week provides the mortgage industry with a unique opportunity to increase public understanding of and appreciation for, mortgage loan originators, and the work they do to help more Americans achieve their dreams,” said Barry Habib, Chairman of Mortgage Success Source.
To commemorate Professional Mortgage Loan Originator Week, Mortgage Success Source is offering a full week’s worth of free resources and activities available to all, including special offers, Webinars and downloads that anyone can access at no charge on the critical issues shaping the mortgage industry today.
“A career in the mortgage industry today requires an ongoing commitment to continuing education to keep up with market volatility and new regulatory issues,” said David Fournier, MSS chief executive officer.
Also sponsoring this week are mortgage industry service providers: Better Qualified, Calyx Software,, GoPro Systems, Go2Comply, IMAAG, John Driscoll Social Media, Kendall Todd, Lenders Insight, MGIC, Mortgage Dashboard, Mortgage Planner CRM, Mortgage Revolution, MyScorePro, NAIHP, National Mortgage Professional Magazine, Top of Mind and The Womack Company. Each of these industry leaders will celebrate the week with free resources available to mortgage loan originators nationwide.
For more information, visit
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