Aklero Caters to Small Lender Market With New QC Offering
Aklero Risk Analytics has announced the release of DQx Scan, designed to meet the quality control (QC) needs of small lenders; particularly, community banks and credit unions. The lender scans the loan documents, names the file, hits send and delivers the documents securely to Aklero, which classifies the documents and extracts critical loan data. An automated deficiency detection analysis is performed on both the documents and the data, before performing the most comprehensive and accurate QC audit in the industry. In addition, Aklero will provide the scanner to the client.
“The aim is to provide these financial institutions with the same quality control capabilities that we provide to the largest lenders and investors,” said Brian K. Fitzpatrick. “They want fast, efficient, high-quality services and that’s what DQx Scan delivers to them.”
If the lender does not have their files previously scanned, DQx Scan eliminates the hassle of delivering loan files for audit. The solution reduces the time that the QC process requires, saves money, and provides the most accurate and detailed QC in the industry, because it validates data from source systems to the data contained in the documents, in a highly automated fashion.
“With DQx Scan, files never leave the lenders premises, the files go securely into our platform to begin the classification of loan files, extraction and validation of key data elements, a process that is completed within 24 hours,” said Fitzpatrick. "Depending on the needs of the lender, Aklero can perform QC for specific functions such as pre-closing or at any point in the mortgage life cycle.”
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