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LenderLive Network Now Certified as a Seller by Freddie Mac

Apr 30, 2013

LenderLive Network Inc. is now an approved Freddie Mac seller. This certification allows the company to deliver better loan product options and more flexibility to its community lender clients. LenderLive was approved as a Freddie Mac servicer in 2012. The number of community banks and credit unions originating or wanting to originate mortgages has grown as more people chose to bring their business to these local, community-based lenders. To effectively meet that need without significantly increasing fixed costs yet providing real know-how and quality mortgage customer service, many of these institutions have turned to knowledgeable, experienced mortgage business partners. “LenderLive has an established, 23-year history of success in helping financial institutions build and grow their residential mortgage businesses, cost-effectively and efficiently,” said Rick Seehausen, president and CEO of LenderLive. “We provide value-added services not offered by most correspondent lenders, including the ability to provide private label fulfillment services to our clients. “In addition, we are committed to providing competitive rates and reduced turn times on loans purchased. This certification is another way for LenderLive to further our dedication to serving community banks and credit unions.”
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