Appraisal Institute Recognizes Accomplishments of Members Nationwide

Harry B. Holzhauer, MAI, SRA, SRPA, formerly of Lake Oswego, Ore., posthumously received the Lifetime Achievement Award, Robin C. Amorin, MAI, of Austin, Texas, received the Outstanding Service Award and three individuals received the President’s Award during the Appraisal Institute Annual Meeting Thursday in Indianapolis. President’s Award recipients were Roscoe W. “Rocky” Shiplett, MAI, of Charlotte, N.C.; William D. “Otto” Spence, MAI, of Louisville, Ky.; and Sandra K. Adomatis, SRA.
“It was an honor to recognize these accomplished professionals, who have played key roles in the success and advancement of the Appraisal Institute,” said Appraisal Institute President Richard L. Borges II, MAI, SRA.
The Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to an Appraisal Institute professional who demonstrates high ethical standards; has volunteered several years of service and has contributed to the Appraisal Institute on the international, national, regional and/or chapter level; has served his or her community; and has contributed to the appraisal profession for at least 20 years.
Holzhauer served the valuation profession for 35 years. He was qualified as an expert witness in several California federal and superior courts, and the Los Angeles and Orange County Assessment Appeals Boards. In addition he served as an arbitrator on numerous occasions. For 25 years, his independent appraisal business served the real estate and banking industries, mortgage bankers, city governments, state agencies, school districts, attorneys and developers. He taught beginning and advanced courses for professional organizations and universities and colleges since 1983. He had also been active in legislative matters, especially licensing and appraisal standards issues on behalf of the Appraisal Institute and its predecessor organizations since 1985.
The Outstanding Service Award is presented to an Appraisal Institute professional who contributed ideas, service hours and dedication to ensure a program or effort is implemented at either the chapter, region, national or international level; is instrumental in the success of the program or effort, which must be far enough along to measure and provide proof of success; and the program or effort must be beneficial to chapters, regions or national or international professionals.
Known for her efforts in helping develop the next generation of valuation professionals, Amorin has supported the Appraisal Institute’s Leadership Development and Advisory Council through three years of participation, one year as a discussion leader, one year as vice chair and one year as chair. She has supported the organization through her work with LDAC, as well as service on many committees and workgroups. She has been tireless in her efforts for LDAC from fundraising to speaking out to encourage attendance, leading by example and supporting the teaching of leadership skills to AI professionals.
The President’s Award is presented to an Appraisal Institute professional who is committed to the organization; currently engaged in its activities; an effective spokesperson; a representative at all times; and in touch with both the needs of other professionals and the changes that the organization must help its individuals to meet.
Shiplett is serving on the Appraisal Institute’s Board of Directors for the second time, is a course developer and instructor and has served AI’s North Carolina Chapter for more than 30 years. Spence is serving on AI’s Finance Committee, has served the organization’s Bluegrass Chapter in numerous capacities including two terms as president, was inducted into the Chicago Chapter’s Instructor Hall of Fame and has assisted many individuals seeking AI designations. Adomatis has played a key role in establishing AI as a leader in green valuation, making a significant contribution to the development of the Residential Green and Energy Efficient Addendum and the Valuation of Sustainable Buildings Professional Development Program.
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