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Cogent Road’s Funding Suite adds online ordering/delivery process for corporate tax returns

Mar 24, 2014

Cogent Road’s Funding Suite adds online ordering/delivery process for corporate tax returnsMortgagePress.comCogent Road, corporate tax returns, Funding Suite, Alan Baia

Cogent Road, a provider of Internet-based applications for the mortgage industry, announced it has added a new online ordering and delivery process for corporate tax returns to enable originators to more efficiently gain access to Internal Revenue Service documentation for loans associated with self-employed borrowers.

Cogent Road's automated corporate tax module identifies and obtains all relevant tax returns directly from the IRS, completes the order in an encrypted PDF for security purposes and automatically notifies the originator when the process is complete. This is a new feature of the company's Funding Suite, a tool that enables mortgage originators to evaluate borrowers' credit reports and educate them on spending behaviors that raise credit scores.

The enhancement was created to improve processing of all necessary corporate tax documentation online tailored to small corporations and partnerships, the majority of businesses operating today. Mortgage originators can obtain form 1120, U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return, or form 1065, U.S. Return of Partnership Income, in a highly secure environment through the new module. Funding Suite orders and delivers full documentation through its Web site in an encrypted format, turning orders around within 24 to 48 hours. It automates all requirements involved with form 4506, the request for transfer of tax returns based on client request, and avoids forcing the self-employed borrower to search for the two years worth of tax returns required by the lender.

"Today's environment requires full documentation handled securely in order to reduce cases of fraud or processing errors, and our solution is specifically customized to meet the needs of the rising number of self-employed individuals who work at small businesses today," said Alan Baia, managing partner of Cogent Road. "Most systems order and deliver this highly sensitive documentation via e-mail and/or fax, which greatly exposes consumers personal data and puts them at risk. Our system helps manage the process by fully automating the ordering and delivery to ensure accuracy and speediness."

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About the author
Mar 24, 2014