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Vantage and Equifax Partner to Deliver Real-Time Info To Prospective Borrowers

May 27, 2014

Vantage Production, LLC announced it will integrate Equifax’s consumer tri-merge credit data into its Vantage Integrated Production (VIP) platform. VIP is an all-in-one marketing, sales and CRM solution that delivers unique enterprise-class capabilities to lenders desiring compliant, automated marketing and CRM for vastly improved loan origination results. The integration of Equifax’s Credit*Hi-Lite with VIP enables mortgage loan originators (MLOs) to optimize their sales workflow, provide borrowers with immediate eligibility decisions, and present loan options in an easy-to-understand manner. Leveraging Credit*Hi-Lite in tandem with VIP’s easily created and compliant sales presentations, MLOs can help borrowers make the best decisions for their personal financial needs. Instant access to credit information allows lenders to approve applicants faster, reduce the risk of application fraud, decrease time-consuming manual verifications, and deliver a better experience for consumers. “We are very pleased to enter into a relationship with Equifax for several reasons,” said Paul Zoukis, CEO of Vantage Production. “Equifax is among the premier information solution providers in financial services, and passing their stringent Security Risk Assessment process further validates the safety and integrity of our services. Most importantly, Credit*Hi-Lite allows our VIP platform clients to substantially improve their efficiency and profitability.” “Teaming up with Vantage Production will give the lenders we work with an even deeper, more insightful view into a consumer’s financial situation,” said Craig Crabtree, SVP of mortgage services, Equifax. “By leveraging their platform and our robust credit information, we can empower lenders to confidently offer borrowers the terms that best suit their needs for a mortgage.”
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May 27, 2014