National MI Integrates With BlitzDocs

National Mortgage Insurance Corporation (National MI) is now directly integrated with the Xerox Mortgage Services’ BlitzDocs intelligent collaborative network. The integration provides lenders with improved efficiency in working with National MI through a secure, enhanced document image exchange.
BlitzDocs is delivered as a cloud-based mortgage technology system and enables lenders to e-Ship or transmit documents in a paperless format, according to Ken Marlin, vice president, general manager with Xerox. Its electronic loan folder (eFolder) mirrors a traditional loan folder and only includes the documents both parties agree are needed, so unnecessary documents are eliminated. “eFolder increases productivity and accelerates the loan process while reducing paper costs and eliminating shipping fees,” Marlin said.
BlitzDocs’ advanced security settings enable all industry participants to work together on the same set of documents throughout the entire loan process to streamline process efficiencies and promote accuracy of loan data.
“Joining forces with Xerox allows our lender customers who use BlitzDocs to transmit their documents easily,” said Pete Pannes, executive vice president and chief sales officer with National MI. “It’s another option we offer our customers to transmit loan documents electronically and securely.”
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