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New Appraisal Institute Book Addresses Latest Methods for Valuing Contaminated Properties

Oct 27, 2014

Properties impacted by contamination raise challenging appraisal issues, according to a new book from the Appraisal Institute. Valuing Contaminated Properties: An Appraisal Institute Anthology, Volume II published this week by the Appraisal Institute helps appraisers understand the history and development of widely recognized and generally accepted methods for handling assignments involving contaminated properties.

“This book is a definitive compilation of accepted appraisal knowledge on an important topic,” Appraisal Institute President Ken P. Wilson, MAI, SRA, wrote in the book’s foreword. “This updated anthology will help appraisers stay current and look toward a future of evolving strategies for dealing with environmental contamination.”

Valuing Contaminated Properties: An Appraisal Institute Anthology, Volume II, edited by Richard J. Roddewig, MAI, CRE, is divided into chapters covering 10 different topics related to contamination. Practitioners will learn about recent trends in contaminated properties including:

►The accepted understanding that contamination’s impact on value is largely temporary;

►The shifting focus from appraising industrial and commercial source sites to appraising residential properties affected by contamination; and

►The increased availability of online sales data and the new emphasis on using more market data in contamination assignments.

About the author
Oct 27, 2014