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Visionet Adds Norman Gottschalk as Chief Technology Officer to BPO Team

Dec 17, 2014

Visionet Systems Inc., a provider of technology and business services to mortgage lenders and servicers, has announced that it has appointed Norman Gottschalk to the position of chief technology officer for its Lender Services Division. Gottschalk brings more than 25 years of experience in the mortgage industry. He had held senior IT management positions at various lending and servicing companies.

Norman began his professional career in 1992 as VP of application development at FISERV (General American Corporation) where he spent nearly 15 years. He has also held senior management positions at Lenders First Choice, DJSP and Software AG. Throughout his professional career, Gottschalk has concentrated his efforts on business process optimization and innovation that has helped shape the direction of the mortgage industry.

“We are excited to have Norman added to our senior management team in this critical role of CTO. His deep understanding of technology and mortgage business is an excellent fit to our company’s vision. He is known to have pioneered various programs that have set standards for the mortgage industry”, said Bill Moody, president of Mortgage Services for Visionet. “Visionet intends to utilize Norman’s insights towards innovating technological solutions to streamline and automate business processes for the mortgage industry”.

About the author
Dec 17, 2014