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JaJean Leaf Joins PRMG as Correspondent Operations Manager

Feb 20, 2015

JaJean Leaf has joined Paramount Residential Mortgage Group Inc. (PRMG) as correspondent operations manager. With more than 25 years in the mortgage industry primarily as operations manager and in addition to holding her DE and VA SAR credentials since 1992, JaJean has also had jumbo underwriting authority to $2 million. Currently a regional manager in the Pacific Northwest for PRMG, JaJean was responsible for opening PRMG’s Seattle, Wash. branch in January, 2009.

While her focus has been operational excellence, managing and training through all the regulatory, underwriting and funding changes/challenges faced during that time, JaJean has also been a producing manager contributing to overall branch volume numbers, while managing a team of account executives. 

Over the years, JaJean has successfully run branch operations for a number of mortgage companies, including Countrywide. She also worked for IndyMac and MortgageIT over her career.

“Working with account executives has given me the ability to fully understand what a strong sales team needs and has allowed me to make balanced operations business decision that also positively impact the sales team” said Leaf.

In her new role as correspondent operations manager, Leaf will be responsible for ensuring that all service level agreements established by PRMG are maintained, while efficiency, quality and productivity goals are met for processing, underwriting and closing. Working alongside Deborah Cheatham, vice president and national director of correspondent lending, Leaf will report directly to Robert Holliday, COO.


About the author
Feb 20, 2015