Orange Coast Title Celebrates 42 Strong Years
Orange Coast Title Company (OCT) has announced the celebration of its 42nd anniversary. As 42 years ago, John Marconi, chairman and founder, opened one of the first Orange County, Calif.-based title companies. Today, Orange Coast Title is one of the largest privately-owned, independent title companies in the United States. OCT currently employs more than 700 people in 48 states, and has licensed operations covering 46 states with a 50 state solution, after starting as a local Orange County company with 13 employees in 1974.
"As chairman of the board and founder, I am very proud to celebrate our 42nd anniversary of the founding of Orange Coast Title Company and it’s family of companies! Congratulations to all present and past employees who have helped to create a truly successful company in the title insurance industry throughout the United States," said Marconi.