McLean Mortgage Launches LO Support Center
McLean Mortgage Corporation has announced the release of My Mortgage Marketing Center (MyMMC), designed to take its support of its sales force to the next level. With MyMMC, McLean has a delivery system which will enable the company to provide value to their clients in more robust fashion.
“My Mortgage Marketing Center provides the ability to reach every area we service with our marketing and customers service efforts, from providing status updates to our clients in process to cobranded marketing with our Realtors and other referral partners," said Kim Bunts, marketing manager at McLean Mortgage Corporation. "When I came to McLean almost three years ago, our database was under 7,000 contacts. Through the expansion of our sales force and focusing upon the true scope of their spheres, we have moved that number to well over 100,000 contacts who we now can reach instantaneously. The goal is to provide first-in-class automated support for our salesforce."
MyMMC is powered by the Top of Mind’s Surefire Customer Relationship Management System and its content is provided through OriginationPro, which is then heavily customized for the company. The system provides a variety of vehicles to reach clients and referral partners, including videos, e-mails, mailers and more. The automation the system provides will ensure that McLean’s sales force will continue to be in touch and add value to their clients and partners, while freeing them up to continue to provide excellent customer service to everyone the company serves.