Joseph Nattans Promoted to President of GMH Mortgage Services
GMH Mortgage Services LLC has announced the appointment of Joseph Nattans Jr. as president, promoted from the role of GMH Mortgage's senior vice president of National Retail Sales.
"Throughout my time at GMH Mortgage, I've been fortunate enough to be a part of the continued growth and record setting success of our brand year after year. GMH Mortgage has developed a reputable name built on strategic thinking, financial stability and the creation of a corporate culture that is completely unique within the mortgage banking space," said Nattans. "I'm excited to continue building on that positive growth to strengthen our foothold in key markets, to expand into new ones and to continually improve our process."
Joining GMH Mortgage Services in 2010, Nattans successfully grew the Central Pennsylvania region from two to 12 branches in less than five years. In January 2015, he took over the leadership of all retail branches for GMH Mortgage. Joe is a dedicated, hard-working executive focused on the overall growth and processes of the organization while keeping in touch with the grassroots efforts of the loan officers in their various markets. Ensuring all borrowers continue to have a world-class experience with GMH Mortgage is key to Nattans, along with delivering loan settlements on-time for both the realtor and the customer.
Former president and CEO of GMH Mortgage since 2012, Joseph Macchione, will remain active with the leadership of the company as a senior member of the GMH Mortgage Services Board, a GMH Associates company.
"Joe Nattans is an exceptional leader and seasoned mortgage professional, passionate about our mission, committed to our principles and values, and knows how to build a successful business," said Macchione. "As a senior member of the executive board, I look forward to remaining actively engaged with GMH Mortgage, its partners and customers, while supporting Joe in his new role as president as he continues to build on the amazing growth we have experienced in the past few years."