NAMB+ Announces Avantus as Newest Endorsed Provider

NAMB+ Inc., the for-profit marketing and communications subsidiary of NAMB—The Association of Mortgage Professionals, has announced its latest Endorsed Provider, mortgage credit reporting firm Avantus. As a full-service mortgage credit reporting company, Avantus has been serving the nation’s financial community for 75-plus years. Avantus provides custom mortgage credit reports, fraud and compliance solutions, and lead generation products.

NAMB+ connects NAMB members with an array of Endorsed Providers aimed at helping mortgage professionals gain a competitive advantage in today’s marketplace with discounts and special programs only available to NAMB members. NAMB+ brings everything from compliance, digital mortgage platforms, lead generation, phone services, social media, custom canvas prints and much more to NAMB members as part of the NAMB+ program.
NAMB members who utilize the offerings of Avantus will benefit via free on-site inspections; free setup of a personalized StartMyApplication Web site for all loan officers; unlimited use of CreditXpert’s Credit Score Improvement tools; and a free cost analysis.
“Avantus has had a long relationship with NAMB and its members,” said Louis Capobianco, president of Avantus. "Being selected as a NAMB+ Endorsed Provider will allow us to introduce all NAMB members to the unique level of service that we can provide. We appreciate this opportunity and look forward to serving the NAMB membership."
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