Tech Provider Bestborn Added to Microsoft Dynamics Inner Circle

Bestborn Business Solutions, creators of Loan Vision, has announced its induction into the Microsoft Dynamics Inner Circle, an elite group of Microsoft partners honored for their outstanding achievements in innovative design, sales and superior commitment to service. The mortgage accounting technology firm (Bestborn) has earned membership for the 2017-2018 year and is recognized as one of only 60 Microsoft Dynamics partners, globally, to earn the award.
“We’re honored to join this highly esteemed group of partners who have leveraged the latest Microsoft technology to simplify and advance business processes,” said Martin Kerr, President of Bestborn Business Solutions. “We plan to take advantage of every resource this membership provides in order to further expand our capabilities.”
Bestborn was officially inducted into the 2017 Inner Circle at the Microsoft Dynamics Partner Recognition Event hosted at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C., where the new members discussed Microsoft’s upcoming plans. Each Microsoft partner invited to join the Inner Circle is afforded greater access to Microsoft resources, allowing the partners to forge a closer relationship with the world’s leading software provider than ever before.
“Early access to Microsoft’s functionality launches and latest updates gives us a highly competitive edge,” said Igor Pchelnikov, Chief Technology Officer at Loan Vision. “This membership creates more opportunities for our team to leverage technology than ever before.”
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