New Tech Conference Aimed at Women Mortgage Professionals

NEXT Mortgage Events LLC will host the tech-centric conference for women mortgage professionals on Jan. 18-19 at the Dallas InterContinental. The conference already has a stellar line-up of guest speakers, including Marcia Davies, Chief Operating Officer at the Mortgage Bankers Association; Tracy Stephan, director of enterprise innovation at Fannie Mae; Tiana Laurence, author of Blockchain for Dummies and co-founder and CMO of Factom and mortgage journalist Rob Chrisman. NAMB—The Association of Mortgage Professionals is a partner with NEXT in this conference.
“With origination volume expected to decline in 2018, lenders need to know which technologies can help them grow and stay profitable—that’s exactly where NEXT comes in,” said Molly Dowdy, Co-Founder of NEXT, an Edmond, Okla.-based company that hosts events for women mortgage executives. “NEXT’s goal is to position attendees as the ‘what’s NEXT’ experts inside their organizations. That’s particularly important in declining markets, like the one that’s predicted for 2018.”
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