Fed Seeks Members for The IPAC Board

The Federal Reserve Board announced that it was recruiting new members to serve on its Insurance Policy Advisory Committee on International Capital Standards and Other Insurance Issues (IPAC).
The IPAC was established by the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act, and its board consists of up to 21 members who serve terms of up to three years. The Fed stated it was looking to attract “a diverse group with expertise in life, property and casualty, and reinsurance issues,” adding that its desired membership would consist of a “mix of professional backgrounds, including in insurance accounting, actuarial science, academia, insurance regulation, and policyholder advocacy.”
Individuals who are interested in being considered for the IPAC board may submit a Statement of Interest to [email protected]. The Fed plans to announce the appointment of the new board members ahead of the first semiannual meeting of the IPAC, which is tentatively set for Nov. 4.
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