Twenty monkeys wearing shock collars were placed in a room. In the middle of the room was a pole with bananas on top. Every time a monkey climbed up the pole to grab a banana, it received an electric shock. Soon the monkeys stopped climbing the pole.
Then a new monkey without a shock collar was introduced to the cage, and one of the original monkeys was removed. The new monkey immediately climbed up the pole to grab a banana, but the other 19 monkeys pulled it down numerous times until it got the message that the bananas were off-limits.
This experiment continued until all 20 monkeys were swapped out from the original ones. They all collectively knew the bananas were forbidden, although none were shocked. They had created a culture of fear.
One of the hottest words for leaders today is culture. Culture affects perception. It influences behavior, and it shapes our personalities. Creating culture is a concentrated, conscious choice.