Non-QM Will Save You and The Mortgage Industry

REC. Sep 23, 2022

For 30 years, former Loan Officer and current President of ACC Mortgage watched companies explode and implode because of the changing rate environments and a lack of a vision to evolve. On the upcoming National Mortgage Professional Magazine webinar Non-QM Will Save You and The Mortgage Industry, Senko will share the secrets to longevity in the mortgage industry and how Non-QM can help smooth out the rough patches while creating long-term viability for Mortgage Companies and their top originators. Now’s the time to evolve or die. Everyone can do Fannie/Freddie loans, but non-QM combined with traditional programs separates you from the crowd. Senko will also share how Non-QM can create an annuity-like revenue source for originators.

Robert Senko, President of ACC Mortgage discusses these 5 topics and more!

  1. Evolve or die.
  2. 2020-2022 was not a normal market.
  3. Everyone can do Fannie/Freddie loans.
  4. Non-QM combined with traditional programs separates you from the crowd.
  5. Non-QM creates an annuity.
Be part of the conversation — attend a live webinar.


Robert Senko
ACC Mortgage