Numbers Don't Lie
Check this out per Mortgage Stats:
There were 261,000 Bankers/Brokers that could orginate loans in Jan 2010.
As of July 2011 there is now 237,000 Banker/Brokers.
In January 2010 sales of existing homes were 3,390,000 and new homes were 2,790.
In July 2011 sales of existing were 4,120,000 and new homes 2,980.
Ok, so all those stats to say this:
In January 2010 if you divided all the home sales by orginators, each orginator would on average close 14 loans if all transactions had a loan.
Today there are less orginators and loan volume is going up based on home sales. The average for July 2011 would have been 18.6 deals per Loan Officer.
I think this is extremely valuable information. What a gut check, numbers don’t lie.
Love you all,
Stewart Hunter
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