Bundled services gaining traction in the marketplace
Freddie Mac gets tech-nicalmortgagepress.comFreddie Mac, 2002 Loan Prospector Service Awards, nominations
Freddie Mac is accepting nominations for their 2002 Loan
Prospector Service Awards. Mortgage Brokers and lenders who use
Freddie Mac's Loan Prospector automated underwriting service can
nominate themselves for this award, which recognizes originators
who use technology to improve mortgage loan originations and
provide borrowers with outstanding service.
Sixteen originators-eight brokers and eight lenders-will receive
Service Awards, and, consequently, be eligible for the grand
prize-a Hollywood Star Package, featuring a Sony television, DVD
player, digital video camera, home theater system and home
computer, including installation.
After reviewing all nominations, representatives from the
National Association of Mortgage Brokers and the Mortgage Bankers
Association of America will help Freddie Mac select the
The grand prize for brokers will be drawn at the NAMB Annual
Convention being held Saturday- Tuesday, Jun. 15-18 at the
Cleveland Convention Center in Ohio. The grand prize for lenders
will be drawn during the MBA 89th Annual Convention Expo, taking
place Sunday-Wednesday, Oct. 20-23 at the Chicago Hyatt Regency
Hotel. Finalists must be present at their respective conferences to
win. All 16 winners will receive their choice of a Handspring Visor
personal digital assistant, Sony digital camera or DVD player, or
conference registration and four-night hotel reimbursement.
Deadlines for nominations are Friday, May 10 and Friday, Sept.
6, for brokers and lenders, respectively. For more information or a
nomination form, visit
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