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May 29, 2006

A no is your greatest opportunity to growBy Ron VaimbergMarketing tips The number one reason salespeople fail is because they don't take action. The reason salespeople don't take action is because they have a fear of rejection. Fear of rejection is summed up into fear of one simple word--the word no. The word no prevents more salespeople from taking action than any other single word in the English language. The scary thing about this fear is that thousands of salespeople will do more to avoid the word no than they ever will do to make money. As crazy as that sounds, this simple distinction is what causes thousands of sales professionals with great potential to fail. For most sales professionals, we have all heard that the more noes you get, the closer you get to hearing a yes. We read it in books and we have heard it in sales meetings. The problem with this teaching is that as true as this may be, it does not address the specific emotional baggage that thousands of loan officers attach to the word no. Until you get rid of the baggage, all of the clichés and truisms about the word no will not change a struggling salesperson's behavior. The key to eliminating the fear of the word no is to change your association with the word. For example, as children, the word no has a completely different meaning to us than as adults. As children, when we heard the word no from our parents, it simply meant that we would have to find another way to get them to say yes. For many of us, when we heard the word no, we looked at our parents with an innocent expression of listening, while we were in deep thought, coming up with another way to wear our parents down to get them to say the magic word--yes. The largest reason why young children react differently to the word no than adults is simply because adults and children have different perceptions as to what the word no means. The consequences we link to a word directly determine our behavior in regard to it. Children have far less negative consequences related to the word no than adults do. As we grow older, we have more and more experiences in life in which the word no has a negative impact on us, resulting in an ever-increasing negative association with the word no. The word no can be related to a number of negative consequences, both emotional and financial. The more such experiences we have, the greater the negative association, resulting in a greater fear of rejection. The end result is that we become more likely to consciously and unconsciously position ourselves to avoid hearing it. We can see this manifested in our work and our lives, every day. The cure for the fear of rejection is actually a simple one. As you have learned, our associations are born out of our past experiences. Although we can't change our experiences, we can change the meaning of them. Below is a list of success associations that you can use to overcome your fear of rejection, regardless of what level it may exist at: • No means I have not given my prospect enough reason to say yes. • No means it is my opportunity to learn and grow. • No means that I have to probe further to find my prospect's real motivation for buying. • My ability to overcome the word no will directly determine my ability to be more persuasive than my competitors. • My competitive advantage is my ability to overcome the noes that my competitors can't. In first reading these success associations, you might say, "It can't be this simple." The reality is that it can be this simple. If you choose to adopt the beliefs and make them part of who you are, your business and your life will change virtually overnight. To increase your effectiveness in dealing with rejection and transforming your association with the word no, ask yourself the following success questions: • What can I do better the next time to increase my opportunity to hear the word yes? • What did I do well in this presentation? • What could I have done better? • Is there something that I can add to my presentation to make it more powerful? No is just a two-letter word. Your transformation of your association is just two steps away: 1. Commit five minutes per day to recite the success associations. Make them part of who you are. 2. When you receive the word no from a prospect, immediately begin evaluating your presentation and answer the success questions that focus completely on the improvement of your selling skills. What you fear today will limit your ability to be successful. Adopt the success associations of top producers and ask yourself success questions, and your sales success and financial destiny will be completely within your control. Ron Vaimberg is president of Ron Vaimberg International Ltd. and a trainer to the wholesale and retail mortgage industries. He may be reached at (866) 824-6237 or e-mail [email protected].
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